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Le Laboratoire Cambridge is an interdisciplinary culture lab that invites the public to participate in the experiments and discoveries of world-renowned artists, designers, scientists, and culinary masters as they discover at the frontiers of science, engineering, and medicine. Functioning as a hive of innovative thinking and practice, Le Lab’s public programming includes exhibitions, talks, unexpected food and drink experiences, and more – exploring “artscience” by illuminating the collaborative processes and insights of diverse thinkers, practitioners, and makers.
Modeled on Le Laboratoire Paris, which was located in the heart of Paris, France from 2007-2015, Le Laboratoire Cambridge is the new home of the Cloud ArtScience Foundation, the cultural innovation organization that in recent years has placed original works of art and design in museum collections and stores around the world, run the international education program the ArtScience Prize, and inspired Café ArtScience, the fine dining restaurant located at Le Laboratoire Cambridge. Le Lab facilitates cultural experiments between leading artists, designers and scientists that lead to contemporary art exhibitions that are displayed on site.
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