Experiment 07
October 9, 2009 - January 4, 2010
Imagine a cloud of flavor wafting up from a glass bowl, resembling something between a surprising carafe and a mysterious globe. You delicately inhale the cloud. A sensual caress tickles your palate. And you are near to imagining Le Whaf, the latest innovation of Le Laboratoire.
Invented by David Edwards, scientist, writer and founder of Le Laboratoire, and designed by the culinary designer Marc Bretillot, Le Whaf reveals again the richness of the encounter between art and science.
Scientists today are exploring the creation of fine respirable aerosols with an aim to de- liver especially large quantities of drugs, like antibiotics, to the body through inhalation. The use of ultrasonic waves, created by piezoelectric crystals (a technology inherent in the workings of Le Whaf) is a method particularly explored by the new biotechnology startup, Pulmatrix.
For several months Marc Bretillot has worked with David Edwards and the team of the FoodLab* to arrive at Bretillot’s original contemplative design, which enlarges the new gastronomical terrain pioneered by last year’s invention of Le Whif.
In this exhibition, the public is invited to test the first prototype of Marc Bretillot’s Whaf in the FoodLab with delicious recipes created by chef Thierry Marx.
With Le Whaf, aromas stir passion, and savors create poetic gastronomical pleasure.
*The Foodlab is the culinary laboratory of Le Laboratoire
About Marc Bretillot
Marc Bretillot is a food designer. Catering and artisan culinary practices, the creation of new products, innovation consulting for the food industry, he also organizes international events and performances for galleries and museums. He is the director of the Masters Program and created the Post-graduate degree of Culinary Design at the Art & Design University of Reims (ESAD), which is where his adventure began when he created the first Research Workshop on culinary design in 1999. He gives conferences at the prestigious cooking school, Ecole française de gatsronomie in Paris and is also invited to give workshops in France and abroad. He is co author of "Culinaire Design" published by Alternatives and is currently developing an online platform called which brings together industrialists, chefs, designers, historians -and anyone else- who is passionate about... food.